All you ever wanted in a starting lineup app.

Make sharing your selection with friends and fellow supporters a pure joy.

Designed for lovers of the game

"I am constantly being asked about individuals. The only way to win is as a team. Football is not about one or two or three star players."- Pele

  • Main Features

    Intuitive and easy to use. Simple, yet complete!

    • Team Squads

      Add one or more team squads to form your player pool, making your regulars easily accessible.

    • Automatic Positioning

      Quickly complete your lineup with automated player positing and drag and drop position swapping.

    • Search Filters

      Apply position and input search filters to your player pool.

    • Formations

      Choose from the most used football formations.

    • Share anywhere

      Share on social media, text messaging, email, and any other app supported by your phone.

    • Video Thumbnail
    • iPhone Thumbnail
    • iPhone Thumbnail

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